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A Digital Reference Collection for the Wallace Project

Anoplolepis gracilipes(Smith, F., 1857)

Yellow Crazy Ant

Image acquired with permission from the Oxford University Museum of Natural History, United Kingdom.
Specimen collected by Wallace. Specimen locality: Singapore
Label transcription: [TYPE HYM: 1133 1-2/2 Formica gracilipes SMITH HOPE DEPT.OXFORD] [CASENT0103001 ANTWEB] [CASENT 0102951 ANTWEB] [☿Formica gracilipes Smith,TYPE. J.P.L.S.Lond. v.ii,1858,p.42.] [Anoplolepis longipes Jard H.St.J.Donisthorpe. det. 15.III.1932.] [Ann.Mag. Nat.Hist. vol.x,pp.441 -476,1932.] [Formica gracilipes Sm] [30. SING] [SYN-TYPE]

Yuchen Ang
All Rights Reserved

Taxon Information

Insecta: Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Formicinae: Plagiolepidini
Taxon Name (original as given on label):
Formica gracilipes
A.R. Wallace
Locality of Specimen:
Specimen Repository:
Oxford University Museum of Natural History


Further Reading

Formicidae (Ants)