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A Digital Reference Collection for the Wallace Project

Hermetia bicolor(Walker, 1856)

Image acquired with permission from the Oxford University Museum of Natural History, United Kingdom.
Specimen collected by Wallace. Specimen locality: Singapore
Label transcription: [MASSICYTA. WALK.] [Masscyta bicolor Wallace Singapore Wallace enuis Saunders 1867 10] [Massicyta bicolor Walk. ♂ Det. E Brunetti 1924] [TYPE Dip: 98 Massicyta bicolor Walker HOPE DEPT.OXFORD] [SING.]

Yuchen Ang
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Taxon Information

Insecta: Diptera: Brachycera: Stratiomyomorpha: Stratiomyoidea: Stratiomyidae: Hermetiinae
Taxon Name (original as given on label):
Massicyta bicolor
A.R. Wallace
Locality of Specimen:
Specimen Repository:
Oxford University Museum of Natural History

Further Reading

Stratiomyidae (Soldier Flies)